wtorek, 29 czerwca 2010

On-Arrival TC in Warszawa

During 21-26 if june I visited Warszawa, the capital of Poland, we had on-arrival TC, that means that we`ve received all useful information about EVS what is needed to know especially in beggining of EVS, it`s about accomondation, financial staffs, about work hours etc... we had two treiners, and the treining was held in two langueges-polish and english, so it helped us more to understand polish language :) it was great chance to meet EVS volunteers spread in whole Poland, we planned some trips together, visiting each other and of course to have a great time together :)
Nowadays football is very popular and so we decided to play football even during session with treiners, we were watching the matches together with treiners and in the evenings visited some nice places of Warszawa. But the most beautiful place that I have seen in Warszawa was the old town, it was just amazing for me, very beautiful, colourfull and different from the new town, some historical places and muzems, everyone who visits Warszawa, should visit the old town (my suggestion). During TC one of our participant had birthday party, so we, EVS volunteers decided to make surprise and at 00:00 we made for her party, sang happy Birthday, we did ourselves Huge Paper cake (because it was too late to bye smth and we decided to do it very late) and gave her some prezents, it was very funny and of course, everything that we did together, helped us to make close to each other :)
So, Trip to warszawa was very succesful and useful for me, I have a lot of friends now, EVS volunteers and we keep in touch and hope we wll have interesting summer :)

English Lessons

So, to say the truth, from the first meeting with these young people, I had a great wish to work with them and do something useful for them, so I was very happy when one day form another building of OHP called us someone and asked that some people are interested in learning english language and if I could help...
Of course I said "yes" and from the next week I went their to meet these people, they are really so cute, nice and sweet, we`ve become friends and I worked out such method, which was more easy and funny for them, we are singing, dancing, playing suring lessons and with this way learning english, new words, important words.
I help them doing homework, I play with them some games, I prepare beforehand some funny things to make funny lessons and the most important is that I feel they feel good, they are happy, they didn`t miss even one lesson and all the time I`m on good mood when I go there and meet them, because It`s really productive for me when I see I do something important for them, I have learnt a lot of polish words from them and sometimes it`s very funny when I`m explaining something and they can`t understand or oposite, then we use body language, dictionary and the result is that they know new english words and I-Polish :)