czwartek, 21 października 2010

"Khinkali" in Kwidzyn :)

When I told my Mam that I`m making "Khinkali" so often in Poland, she didn`t believe, cause she doesn`t remember really I cooked smth in Georgia, and here I cook all the time "Khinkali" :)) But it`s pleasure for me to make georgian meal for Polish people :)
This time we had lesson how to cook "Khinkali", for about 25 children, first I told them how to made it, also teacher helped me, because she had read before about "Khinkali", so theoritically she knew smth about it :)
So, we begin to made it, first we made dough from water and flour, then mixed the meat, onion, greens and papper and I showed them how to make the form of "Khinkali", they were very much interested in it, it was vey funny, that everyone was trying to made good one, but actually they were very good, even boys were making it very good, they hepled me a lot to make dough too and then the forms of "Khinkali" :) they were so good that then I decided to learn them another form which we do sometimes with "Khinkali", it is called "patara gochi"-it`s in Georgian, in English it will be-"small piglet", and po Polsku-"mała swinia", but really I have no idea why it is called like this, but anyway we made "patara gochi" too and I guess they liked a lot this too :)) all of them were trying to made good form and I was so much happy too to watch them and realize that I can make them happy and they are learning to make Georgian meal, I`m sure they will never forget it :)So, this day was very funny and good, Kasia, my Polish friend, liked it so much too, that then she made it at home, and I was really happy, she helped me a lot to feel good in Kwidzyn and also I told that she will be so good women in Georgia, because she knows already how to made good "Khinkali" :)

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